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+91 80 27562251
About us
The organization was established by Dr.H.S.Venkatesh to discover the specific remedy in Ayurveda for Thyroid disorders. The chief endeavor is to show that Ayurveda is capable of handling thyroid problems efficiently. Since thirty years, under his guidance the organization has found the successful treatment for the Thyroid Disorders. The Foundation believes that, at present, Ayurveda is the solution. By a systemic study and regular maintenance of each case treated till date, it has been proved that Ayurveda will cure Thyroid disorders like HypoThyroidism, Hyper Thyroidism, and Thyroidal cyst in the early stage. The research work continuous and provides positive results. It is a treatment purely based on literatures of Ayurveda and the line of treatment as explained by Charaka, Sushruta, and other past scholars of Ayurveda is followed.
Our Vision
It is to popularize and educate the people about the Ayurvedic medicine and to persuade them to lead a healthy and peaceful life.